One of the most common Affinity Events that I have seen has been for Christian Business Leaders -- breakfast, lunches or dinners with a program and an invitation to submit their lives to following Christ.
As part of a community wide evangelistic festival in northern New York, there was an affinity event with business and professional people. A luncheon was held in the meeting room of a local non-profit. Christian community leaders invited their unchurched friends with an professionally printed invitation.
A local business leader opened in prayer and lunch was served. Some of the special guests of the festival were introduced. One sang a solo and another shared their testimony and the evangelist gave an invitation to follow Christ.
Commitment cards were placed on the table before the lunch started. The attendees filled out a card after the evangelist spoke to indicate their decision to follow Christ, to indicate their interest in being part of a Bible study for business and professional people or just to say thanks to the hosts. Several people received Christ that day and several more asked to be part of a Bible study.
I've seen this same scenario used successfully with numerous other celebrities, business leaders and national figures sharing their faith journey that led them to Christ, a story where God healed or ministered to them or how God has worked through them in their industry.
The commitment card is extremely important. Generally everyone fills them out to express their thanks to the host of the luncheon, so no one feels awkward filling out the card. Many community professional people will never go forward to an altar call in a church or at an evangelistic festival. They won't even raise their hand. Some live in a maximum security prison of pride. And for some of these, the commitment card is their get out of jail free card. It allows them to respond to the Gospel, get involved in a Bible study and begin relationship with Christ, in a discrete fashion.
Contrary to popular thought, many high level professional business and community leaders are lonely and desperately looking for opportunity to meet with peers and receive the love of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Your B&P Affinity Event might be just the ticket.