Affinity Evangelism

Blogging about Affinity Evangelism strategies.

Affinity Evangelism is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through events that gather people around a common affinity.  Common affinities could include a hobby or interest, stage of life, job, health issue, family composition or issue, life stage or other issue or interest that people commonly share.

Events could be a training, a celebration event, an informative presentation, or an opportunity to participate in the hobby, etc.  The events have as a primary purpose to be a vehicle for the communicating of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They are meant to be evangelistic.

However, secondarily, but still extremely important, affinity events are meant to be places where the unchurched are blessed and enjoy themselves.  They might feel loved, welcomed, comfortable and not judged, and challenged to think and believe differently.  If the common paradigm in the minds of the unchurched is that Christians and churches are dumb, judgmental, hypocrites, after your money and boring, we want Affinity Events to challenge each of those stereotypes.

It is important to recognize that evangelism is a process and affinity evangelism events are meant to be catalysts for moving people one step closer to Christ.  For many it will be the day when they are born again but for others it will be another step in their journey towards receiving Christ.  Affinity events need to be done with such excellence and prayer that no part of them hinders anyone from coming to Christ.

At the end of the event we want people to have walked away with having heard a clear presentation of the gospel with an opportunity to receive Christ, an invitation to another event and/or church and to have been blessed by their participation.